Due to popular demand we are finally going to be running our NEW online Demos!!
We get asked every time we advertise a demo, would we ever do one online, so here we go, let's give it a go. This is open to anyone, just book your spot through the website and you will be added to our private Instagram page.
The demo will take place Friday February the 21st at 6pm Irish time. This demo will be all about our amazing Chocolate Biscuit Liner and Ganaching kit.
In the Demo we will be showing you how to.......
- Make a Chocolate Biscuit Cake using our Liners, showing you the pop and and peel and then using it in our Ganaching Kit with butter Ganache.
- Stack and fill a sponge cake and ganache with Butter Ganache in our Kit using the pouring method.
- Ganache a sponge using the original upside-down method.Β
Who is Demonstrating? Jill will be demonstrating and Michelle will be assisting and answering any questions as Jill Demos.
What date will it take place? Friday the 21st time: 6pm (GMT)
What price is the Demo? β¬20
How Long will it run for? 3HoursΒ
How can I watch the Demo? You will be added to our new private Online Demo Instagram page once we have received your Instagram handle.
Will I get a discount like the Instore Demos? Yes we will give everyone a discount code for 10% off which you can use for 36 hours after the live.Β
We will be answering questions during the live, but don't worry you can watch the Live back for as many times as you like as you will have access to it for 30 days. You can also pop us over any questions you might have for those 30 days!Β
** You will receive an email with a link to our Instagram Demo page so we can add you to the page. The email will also contain information and rules for the upcoming Demo, so please keep an eye on your inbox **